
Complimentary conversation.
In our office, by video chat or phone, we will ask questions that help you clarify your priorities and determine if you are on track for your financial goals. We will also answer any financial questions you have. Call 801-477-0444 to schedule a time or click here to sign our calendar online.
Boldin Retirement Software
Using this powerful & customizable software, you can 'pre-live' multiple retirement scenarios in about 30 minutes.
First, watch this short video with a case study. Click here.
To have us help you, click here to pick a time.
To do it yourself, click here to get the software.​
Money can be an emotional topic for everyone, especially when you're grieving. In his TedX talk, Martin Hurlburt explains how emotions affect our financial choices and how to better manage your money.
Resources For Widows
When a spouse or other family member dies, it's normal to feel a complex array of emotions. You can go from confusion to anger to love and support and then what feels like never-ending sadness... all in the same day. This is normal. There is nothing wrong with you.
Lean on your family, friends, and advisors for support. Let them help you through this difficult time. Take them up on their offers to help and be there for you, just like you would do for them. If you have any financial questions, feel free to reach out to me.
No one knows exactly what it is like to lose a spouse, except for those who have. That is why the first resource I recommend is a podcast called "Widow Land Life." Three widows got together and interviewed other widows. Listening to their stories may bring you a bit of peace and let you know that you are not the only one. To listen, click here.